*** Genovefa (Genevieve) Breyel-Fränzle ***
| Pius Breyel |
| Peter Breyel / Breiel |
| Stephan (Stephen) Breyel |
| Joseph Breyel | |
*** Report *** Tochter des Franz Anton Fränzle (Schmied) und der Maria Eva König. Femäss 'Find a Grave' geboren am 8. Januar 1846. Genovefa berichtete 1890 von einem Tornado, welcher an einem Sonntag ihr Haus zerstört habe (es handelte sich vermutlich um den St. Louis Tornado vom 12. Januar 1890). Text: "Mrs. Genevieve Breyel. The body of Mrs. Genevieve Breyel, who died Saturday night at the home of her Son, Stephen Breyel, 822 North Monroe street, was sent to Morrilton Monday morning by Healey & Kotn. Funeral services will be held there at 9:30 o'clock Tuesday morning at the Church of the Sacred Heart, in charge of the Rev. Father Gloebel. Burial will be in the Sacred Heart Cemetery."
Genofeva ist beerdigt auf dem Sacred Heart Cemetery in Morrilton, Conway County, Arkansas.

Quelle: https://images.findagrave.com/photos/2010/107/51168125_127162187361.jpg